Meant To Be Is A Process, Not The Final Outcome



Gue seringkali berpikir, bahwa apa yang seharusnya terjadi, ya pasti akan terjadi juga, tanpa perlu mencoba langkah atau cara yang lain, atau malah tidak memperjuangkan apa yang sebenarnya masih bisa diperjuangkan. Gue selalu mendengar kalimat : "What's meant to be, meant to be, Ga. No matter how hard you try." it's kinda bring the negative vibes to the definition of the sentence itself, you know. It always gives me the creep and even a not-so-good-goosebumps-kinda thing every time I heard that.

Hidup Adalah Pilihan Dengan Berbagai Macam Rintangan Untuk Dapat Mewujudkan Impian

Contoh kecil berdasarkan kisah nyata yang dialami oleh adik perempuan gue, Jilan, adalah begini... Dia S1 cum laude jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, punya mimpi besar agar bisa bekerja di sebuah perusahaan yang beroperasinya off shore, mengimplementasikan semua ilmu yang sudah susah payah dia pelajari selama kuliah kelak.

Nyatanya, sudah lebih dari 1 tahun terakhir, dia bekerja di sebuah startup yang core business-nya IT, totally different than she was expecting, right? But she's happy doing it, developed tons of new skill sets, expand her network etc.

Dia tetap mengejar mimpi yang sejak lama dia idamkan, namun dia memilih sebuah kesempatan yang ada di hadapannya, and she embraced it bravely, with no second thought or doubts. Maybe her recent job will not going to be her stepping stone to her dreams, but she always knew she can learn from it and enrich her life.

That's what I call "MEANT TO BE". She's enjoying the process to fulfil or even achieve her dreams, in the present. Maybe she's worrying about the future and such, but SHE LIVE IN THE PRESENT. Giving her best every single day, on the job that she love now.

Adulting Packages

Damn man, I am so fuckin' lonely right now, I'm telling y'all. I rephrase, I feel so fuckin' lonely since 2018 until today. There I type it. I admit it, I acknowledge it, and I embrace it. I don't feel the need to deny it, just put it in here then so many people can read this.

Scared the shit outta me to even type this and don't have any intention to show this off. I just wanna encourage y'all to not deny it, from time to time. Let your guard down from time to time, we're all need to take a break from adulting. And overthinking, and compromising. And being bitter to feel better.

For once in our adulting lives, why don't we try to talk to some strangers without any hidden agenda? No assumptions, no monkey business, Just make a decent and proper conversation. We're adults should learn more from toddlers about this. Then maybe we can find new hopes for ourselves. Just my two cents.

Try More, Life's All About Failure Then Deal With It

I am a very persistent person if I already spot on my targets, dan gue akan kejar hal tersebut sampai dapat, nggak peduli ada rintangan apapun di sekeliling gue, gue pasti bisa lewatin. I always choose the hard way, I don't know why, it's already in my blood since I was born I suppose. Sampai akhirnya gue sadar, itu nggak baik buat gue, karena gue jarang sekali menikmati proses untuk bisa mendapatkan apa yang gue mau.

What meant to be, it is meant to be. But are you really sure about that? If so, how do you know that? Do you give yourself a closure after you've done trying so many ways, in so many times? Buat gue, iya. Kita seharusnya bisa berhenti mencoba, dan mengakui bahwa kita sudah menjalani dan melewati segala proses supaya bisa dapetin apa yang kita mau dan kita butuh. Kalau memang sudah nggak bisa, ya sudah. You gotta pick your own battle, you know.

Meant to be is a process of trying to find the answers for your questions, how you're going to work on your relationship (any kind), how you're going to overcome the challenges or obstacles, not the final outcome.

Final outcome is, you deal with those failures, dwell in sadness for a bit, then get the hell up. Don't kid yourself, this is life. You got rejected, you didn't pass the test, you got brokenhearted, you got cheated on, etc. Deal with it.

This is a bitter and hard to swallow pill for all of us, I suppose. Then again, kalau kita nggak bisa terima segala macam kegagalan yang sudah pernah kita alami, jalani dan lewati, gue nggak tahu bagaimana caranya kita bisa berdamai sama diri kita sendiri.

Don't bother to fix someone else, when you got your hands full already, but you're not aware of it.

South Jakarta, 13th October 2020


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